Stanley Approves!

June 02, 2005

Tetra Paks

Stanley Approves of Tetra Paks Posted by Hello

Boy, it sure has been a long time since I had something to approve of! Good thing my people took me to Budapest, Hungary where I founds lots of nifty things to approve. They are all so strange and wonderful, but let me start with... Tetra Paks.

Tetra Paks are quite ingenious little juice boxes. They are better than milk cartons and juice bottles and even better than those OJ cartons with the spout! They each have a slightly different magic opening. Some are so smart that as you unscrew the cap, it pokes a hole in the safety wrapper! Plus, they are just the right size for my little paws to get around. And the juices that come in them aren't bad, either! Peach, apricot, cherry, even blueberry! Now that's just getting crazy.

Stanley Approves!

Stanley Approves of Tetra Paks Posted by Hello


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